What to Expect
Where all are welcome.
It takes some courage to visit a new church for the first time. Many questions might go through your mind like, “Can anyone visit a Quaker Meeting? (“meeting” is simply a Quaker word for church) What should I wear? What about my kids? Is there an offering? Will I have to introduce myself as a first time visitor? Where do I park? Can I find my way around? What about communion? What’s the difference between Friends and Quakers?”
Read below to learn more:
Absolutely, we welcome everyone! More than 60 percent of the First Friends community arrived at a Quaker meeting first as a visitor. In other words, most of us were not raised in the Friends’ tradition but found our way to Quakerism as adults. You will be warmly welcomed!
As with most things at First Friends, we’re diverse. You will see some folk in casual clothes and some in “going to Meeting” clothes, so come as you feel most comfortable.
At First Friends, we practice Godly Play and Quaker Faith and Play. Each Sunday our Young Friends are invited to stay in worship until the time noted in the bulletin (usually the offering) then go with the Godly Play Mentor for a lesson about the Bible or Quakers. The nursery is also available, staffed by at least two experienced workers, if your wiggleworm would rather go there. Feel free to ask an usher or someone sitting close to you how to find the nursery.
Yes. About 20 minutes into the hour, an offering is collected. We do not expect visitors to contribute although gifts are always welcome. If the plate comes to you – feel free to just pass it on.
No, you will not be singled out. You will simply be part of our community as we worship God. You will be invited to fill out one of our “little white cards” from the pew pocket in front of you and place it in the offering plate. This gives us an opportunity to learn your name and how it is that you happened our way. You can also request getting on our e-newsletter list or ask for a call from one of our pastors or elders.
Handicap parking is available in the circle drive off of Whittier Street. To enter the worship room from Whittier Street, go to the door furthest to the right. The other parking lot is on the lower level on the east side of the meetinghouse. If you are attending the 8:45 am unprogrammed service, please enter the door closest to Friendly on the lower level. Then go into the first door on the left. For the 11 am Meeting for Worship, take the sidewalk up the incline and enter from the Friendly Avenue main entrance. There will be greeters to welcome you and offer you a Sunday bulletin.
Quaker faith and practice are built upon our personal experiences and shared convictions, rather than doctrinal creeds. We understand baptism and communion to be primarily inward, spiritual realities, rather than outward rites. Our time of silence and open worship (typically 15-20 minutes) is often identified as “communion in the manner of Friends”
We are both and those names can be used interchangeably. Our official denominational name is “The Religious Society of Friends” but early on we were nicknamed Quakers… but that’s another story which we’d love to share in person.
Visit Us
2100 W Friendly Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27403
Tuesday – Friday
10:00am – 2:00pm
(336) 299-8869